Registerint to the event: use the Registration page.

Payment: no payment in advance, you'll pay directly at the camping on arrival

Meals: no meals are included.

As alternative place to the camping, there might be the Gasperoni Hotel.Look to the map for infos

Fursuiters: of course the fursutis are welcomed and I can offer my house as storage are safe from sun and heat


The camping fee is 10 euro every person + 18 for the small area or 23 for the bigger area. Prices are intended for every night

Campers and caravans counts as large area

Areas can be shared with more tents

Every area have nearby an electric cabinet

Example for 4 people sharing a large area with 2 tents for 2 nights:(10 * 4) + 23 = 63€ total. 63/4 = 15,75€ * 2 (nights) = 31,5€

it's not possible to access the camping with veichles during the noght (00:00 - 06:00)

The camping fare INCLUDES already the swimming pool fee


Adventure Park - San marino Adventure

Difficulty level from very easy to very hard

Access fares for easy, medium and hard paths: 17€, 23€, 24€

For groups, every 5 paying tickets, one more is free

Harness is gave by the park

Protective gloves are suggested
